Winter time is a great time for planning outdoor areas

Time spent in the garden during the winter months tends to be strictly maintenance-only mode – it is a bit difficult to get enthusiastic when your fingers and toes are numb. But you can easily find an hour or two during the winter months to do some forward thinking. Planning outdoor areas, whether for new garden layouts or for changes and upgrades to your outdoor entertaining spaces, is a most enjoyable activity.

If you are thinking of a covered outdoor entertaining area, the new Palram PALERMO gazebos are well worth considering. Available in DIY kit form, they are not only strong, being made from heavy gauge aluminium extrusion framing with unbreakable polycarbonate glazing, but they are very attractive and require minimal maintenance.

PALERMO 3000 Gazebo

PALERMO 3000 Gazebo

Planning outdoor areas to make the most of possibilities of your situation actually does take quite a bit of careful thought. Many factors have to be taken into consideration, including privacy and prevailing weather as well as local government requirements and, of course, your budget.

Window boxes are an interesting feature in Boston’s most famous street


Window boxes are the front gardens of Boston’s most photographed street!

One of the staff members from Landera recently visited the US and spent an interesting day exploring Beacon Hill in Boston, Massachusetts. This area is one of Boston’s oldest communities and retains many of the features of a bye gone era – narrow streets of conjoined brick houses with decorative ironwork, beautiful stone doorway frames, narrow streets and gas lamps.

Acorn Street is one of these narrow streets. Paved with cobblestones, it is just wide enough for a car to drive through – although not many do. Most visitors enjoy the walk through an environment that has hardly changed since the early 1800’s. And they can’t help noticing the window boxes and planters; the fact that doors open straight onto the footpath is obviously not considered a good reason for not having a front garden!

Actually, plants such as flowers and herbs can be grown almost anywhere – window boxes, planter pots and vertical gardens all offer great scope for the imaginative gardener.


Acorn Street, Beacon Hill in Boston – cobblestones, gas lamps and window boxes